Project Description

Placement and Target Engagement Opportunities for Premium Brands

V&V is collaborating with the supreme Formula One experience provider, Red Eye Events, to provide opportunities for brands to reach and engage with their guests at the Monaco Formula One Grand Prix. The Monaco Grand Prix is very well known as the epitome of the glitz and glamour that the F1 calendar has to offer. Any attendee at the event enjoys to bask in the unique energy of history, tradition and glamour that only the Monaco Grand Prix can offer. We offer two yacht and 3 track-side on-shore locations with some differences in clientele. The entry threshold to any of our locations is significant so we have a good qualifier on the socio-economic groups. We also know that these groups enjoy the good life in products, food, drink and experiences.

We offer bespoke activations as well as pre-packaged branding opportunities (see pdf presentation below).

  • Target audience (socio-economic groups): A and B
  • Type of brands: Premium and/or luxury segment, products and experiences
  • Key advantages: Socio-economically homogeneous group with a well defined interest. Trend setters, celebrities and high net worth individuals who will spend considerably to experience the best. These groups tend to be very aware of the brands that support them at the event and are likely to show their appreciation.

Please review the deck below for more information.

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